Stack Identity Demo – Revealing Data Exposure Risks of Individual Data Assets

Nov 15, 2023

See how the Stack Identity Platform reveals the details of what data is at risk of unauthorized, invisible and unmonitored Shadow Access.

For every data asset the Stack Identity Platform provides a data breach prediction risk score, based on each data assets’ access details and risks, which applications have access to the data set and the activity log, including which applications have exposure to the public internet.

More specifically, the platform shows the detection map of which assets are connected and accessible by different applications and identities. The map shows precisely:

  • Which applications and identities have access
  • How many entities have access to a particular data asset
  • Associated data risks, IAM risks, network risks configuration risks and identity risks that exist for each data asset

With the Stack identity platform you can easily see which assets have read or write access, as well as permissions management and admin entitlement capabilities.