Securing NHI

Secure and govern your non-human identities – access keys. secrets, tokens, service principles, and service accounts.

How Stack Identity can help:

  1. Build an active inventory of the non-human identity population across your IDP, Cloud environments workload & databases
  2. Visualize via access graph NHI access pathways and access to critical resources
  3. Analyze NHI exposures:
    • Key rotation gaps
    • Orphaned credentials
    • Delegated Access
  4. Take action:
    • Clean up unused, dormant, and risky creds
    • Convert static secrets (credentials) to Just in Time credentials
    • Right size over privileged credentials
    • Generate audit reports for DevOps and identity teams


  • Eliminate Key rotation
  • Reduce attack surface
  • Get ahead of security incidents
  • Automate compliance reporting